Just curious...

If someone wrote something about a show, say in 1984, would it get added to
the Deadlist project? I was reading 1968, and was impressed with the level
of detail, the stories and remembrances. I have been meticulously getting
the shows I was at during my prime Dead time 82-87, when I was seeing the
shows and becoming an active tape trader. This has brought up the need to
keep handy, reference materials like Deadlists, Tapers Compendium, Dead
base, etc, etc.

Well, if the living history of the 60's and 70's warrants all that extra
commentary, analysis, etc...So do other eras of the Deads career. I would
love to contribute stories, (remember Bobby climbing the PA stack at the
Henry J, Fall 85, or the funeral like atmosphere onstage at 12/31/84, with
Jerry, haggered, sweaty and all, belted out the line, "Forget about the Dead
you have left, they will not follow you" in It's All Now, Baby Blue. I was
right in front, between, Bobby and Jerry, the energy and the infinate
sadness that radiated from Band and Crew during that song was palpatable.
Flowers and wreaths were draping the stage. I didn't know what had happened
(I was told later), but it blew me away, this was more than a hometown rock
show, this was family celebrating and grieving together.

Stuff like that.

Just curious what process this goes through. Is it up to each individual
years caretaker to decide what does or does not warrant inclusion?


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