Hi Jim-

I saw your recent post to the discussions forum at deadlists re. 10/21/68
dead and thought I could contribute.

I have had a cassette copy of this jam for a while and would love to help
you as well as get more info on it. It seems to me to be a matrix show
(though I cannot match the material I hear with any of the matrix info on
deadlists. The jams I have are in the majority vocal-less jams), as the
material is different from what can be obtained on the gdlive site for
this date.

My tape (which I transferred to CD via pro audio Tascam cass> Tascam CDR)
is recorded in a non-studio environment with lots of room sound. Could I
mail you a copy and get some input on it (what is it really), and maybe
help you out in the process? There is no audible hum, nor has the tape
suffered much from warping, warble and flutter. All in all a pretty good
The cassette I bought 10 years ago and transferred from is labeled "Dead/
Airplane House Jams , 10/21/68"

Thanks for your great work- I enjoy your posts and insights on the
deadlists page.

Erik Tans

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