Wish I could come up with some set list help, friends, since it was my first
show, but I cannot help. Mem Aud had a practice of taping performances that
occurred there during  that period. I hear this night's tape is missing from
MemAud's collection, but it might be worth checking with O.U. to see if that
era's tapes exist. Maybe a couple hundred Athenian Heads at max since it was
night most students had left for Thanksgiving. Lights were on in the
fixed-seat auditorium, crowd and band mingling, then I became aware of a
beat under the murmuring and chatting and.we were off!

We understood it that an O.U. Philosophy prof - Dick Rickert - had
encouraged the Dead at Columbus show to come on down for us heads who
couldn't make it to OSU. He left nest year for Chapel Hill and I never got a
chance to ask him about it. Only other attendee I might have asked about
what was played has Gone Beyond. I do remember an indian rug on the stage
and Pig singing unimcumbered by keyboard, going on at great length in a blue
mood, so it's likely Constanten's presence had that liberating effect on
that particular revered energy source.

Was looking for album lists when I stumbled on your site, thought I'd chime
in what I recalled in gratitude and appreciation for your work. Onward!

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