Title: Chico 11/1/68
Silver Dollar Fair, Chico 11/1/68
67:10  MSR > R > D > CD

Intro  0:12
Dark Star > 12:17
Cryptical Envelopment >  1:48
drums >  0:14
The Other One >  10:55
Cryptical Envelopment >  7:06
New Potato Caboose >  0:41

 [ > New Potato Caboose#    1:44 *

 #Alligator >  2:35 *
 drums >  5:05 *
 Alligator > 4:39 ] *

Alligator/Caution jam >   12:36
Feedback >   6:01
We Bid You Goodnight   0:45
closing comments  0:32

*  severely attenuated signal, useless for music  14:03 total

This tape consists of two segments, the first running for 35:02, from the introduction of the Dead's "last set" through the first 2:21 of New Potato Caboose, and the second starting a couple minutes in to Alligator and running through the end of the set in 32:14.  

At  0:41 of New Potato Caboose the strength of the signal falls away severely in both channels, past all recovery and continues in this state for 14:03 before resuming proper strength and continuing for 19:54 to the end of the tape.

I note that Eaton lists for this date

11/01/68 Silver Dollar Fair, Chica Ca - xcerpt
  4.9, 055min, Sbd, A0D1, Reel M->Dat  1, 44k,
  10inch 8trk Master [EMAIL PROTECTED]>3700 x 0->3700 x 1

After We Bid You Goodnight Phil tells the audience to "Come back next week -- this is a good place."

Latvala played a Viola Lee from this date at one of the Fillmore Dick's Picks Release Parties.

It's not clear to me how all this fits together.

We have mastered both a complete version, including the 14:03 of bad signal, and an edited version, with this segment removed.

If someone will administer a tree I will seed it; also SHN.

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