Contact the folks at <>
They now are the copyright holders to most all of Bill Graham's concert
related stuff.  Right now they mostly sell posters, handbills, tickets but
they do have lots of photographs.  Also they might be able to tell you if a
recording even exists for that show.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Burton Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:09 PM
Subject: GD recordings - 6/5/70

Hi Jim (or whomever this reaches),
I just found your site online, which lists set information of Grateful Dead
shows, and it appears as though you have recordings of these?  What I would
be interested in, is if you have any recordings of the opening bands, and
specifically, Southern Comfort, from the weekend of 6/5/70 at the Fillmore
West.  My Father was the guitarist in that band (Fred Burton, or Fred Olsen,
as he was also credited), and I would love the opportunity to hear him play
live, as he has been deceased since 1980, and I never had the chance to see
or hear him play live (except for as a small child, and I have no memories
of that).  I realize this is a long shot, as it seems that you only have
recordings of the Dead themselves, but any help or information you could
give me would be more appreciated than you could imagine.  If you could even
point me in the direction of someone else who would maybe have recordings,
or photos, or anything, from that weekend, I would be thrille! d.  Thank you
very much for your time.
-Chris Burton  

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