I read David Lemieux's explanation in an interview he did at:

How did you divide Europe 72? Are there bonus tracks on both discs? 

  We changed it. It used to be Sides One, Two, and Three were Disc One, and Sides 
Four, Five, and Six were Disc Two. Now its Sides One through Four as Disc One plus 
Two Souls in Communion. Incidentally, that is not the title of the song, its called 
The Stranger, then in brackets it says Two Souls in Communionwritten by Pigpen, words 
and music, if you were wondering. 

 Really? Where was that title change discovered? 

 On the original tape boxes and all the notes that surrounded it. That song was 
actually slated for inclusion on Europe 72. The reason we know that is because 
everything that was originally going to be included on the album was put onto these 
sub-reels. That didnt make, and Beat It on Down the Line, of all things. Those two 
songs were going to be included but didnt make it. On some of the tape boxes its 
called Pigs Tune and on the rest of them its called The Stranger, so for the 
Deadheads who know it as Two Souls in Communion, the official title now is The 
Stranger [Two Souls in Communion].


>Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 22:32:12 -0400
>From: "Erik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: The Stranger
>silly question...anyone know why Two Souls In Communion is called The
>Stranger on Steppin' Out and not just Two Souls?

Is your boss reading your email? ....Probably
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