Title: deadlists for Palm


for anyone interested in carrying around the Deadlists show database in a Palm OS-based handheld, I've created a file that will be updated bi-monthly.

there are different reader-creator programs out there, so I chose TomeRaider initially.  none of the "pdb" file readers are free, so if you don't have one already, it would need to be purchased.  here are the particulars:

reader application website:

once you have the reader, you can download the GD file (as well as thousands of others) at:

the GD file - all shows in Deadlists ('65-'95) - in one file is at

the file is surprisingly small (one reason for selecting TomeRaider, because it used to allow entire books to be read on your Palm) - it takes up ~750k of Palm memory space.

if someone knows of other good tools for platforms (PocketPC, for example) for this purpose, please let me know.


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