Title: new 6/24/70 Lee MAC
The material on the "missing" 2nd cassette of the Lee master can be supplied by the Weinberg master.  If you'll pass me the address of the person doing this release I'll get in touch & offer to pass it along.

Can we get a definitive spelling for Ken & Judy's last name.  Over the years I've seen it spelled both "Lee" and "Leigh" on various of their masters, and now even on announcements of this new release.

Also, there's quite a cool master of their of the Jefferson Airplane at the Capitol on 11/13/70 also now coming into circulation.  The Airplane just pre-disintegration, with an opening set by Hot Tuna with Papa John & Will Scarlet also sitting in later.  20 minutes of Saucers > Hijack, etc.

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