Hi, Weixiong Zheng
I am wondering where is the DG code written by Praveen C, using the slope
> One real quick question: when trying to see how to do slope limiter, I
> visited your DG code, which is awesome, though it's a bit hard to follow
> for me (newbie on DG and slope limiting)
Hi, Weixiong Zheng
I am wondering where is the DG code written by Praveen C, using the slope
Yongchao Zhang
在 2015年11月4日星期三 UTC+8下午1:44:22,Weixiong Zheng写道:
> Thanks for the reply,
> 在 2015年11月3日星期二 UTC-6下午11:15:14,Praveen C写道:
>> Hi
>> I am using uniform