[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2016-01-14 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 14 SAUDI ARABIAexecution Saudi executes Yemeni for killing employer Saudi Arabia on Thursday executed a Yemeni man for murdering and robbing his employer, raising the number of death sentences already carried out by the kingdom this year to 52. Yaser Qawza broke into the

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----FLA., MO., OKLA.

2016-01-14 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 14 FLORIDAimpending execution Florida asks court to deny inmate's execution-delay request Florida asked the state's high court on Thursday to reject a condemned inmate's request to delay his execution based on the U.S. Supreme Court's finding that its procedure for imposing

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2016-01-14 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 14 ZAMBIA: Abolish death penalty, says prisons deputy Zambia Prisons Service deputy commissioner-general Lloyd Chilundika says the death penalty is inhuman and should be abolished. Mr Chilundika told the Parliamentary committee on legal affairs, governance, human rights, gender

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS, PENN., N.C., GA., FLA.

2016-01-14 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 14 TEXASimpending execution Death Watch: Unhappy New YearMasterson found guilty of capital murder of Shane Honeycutt, set to die Jan. 20 Texas goes to the gurney Wednesday, Jan. 20, with its 1st execution of the calendar year. Set to die is Richard Allen Masterson, 43,

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----ALA., KY., MO., CALIF., USA

2016-01-14 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 14 ALABAMA: Expert: Lethal injection consciousness check 'inadequate' In a lawsuit challenging Alabama's death penalty protocol, Dr. Alan Kaye, chair of Louisiana State University's Department of Anesthesiology, testified Wednesday that the "consciousness check" used by the