Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

MISSOURI----impending execution

A motion has been filed to stay the execution of EarlForrest. The motion requests the Court issue a stay on grounds that the Missouri Department of Corrections (DOC) knowingly and deliberately violated the Sunshine Law. Additionally, there is evidence which suggests that Missouri officials violated state procedures, Missouri State Auditor’s recommendations, and federal tax laws in the manner in which they obtain lethal injection drugs from an unknown supplier. We are awaiting updates.

What You Can Do

* Contact Governor Nixon to urge that he stay Earl Forrest’s execution until the issues of cash payment, lack of documentation regarding the source of execution drugs, and violation of audit recommendations can sufficiently be addressed. Call 573-751-3222; write a letter, mailing it to Rm 216, State Capitol, Jefferson City MO 65101/faxing it to 573-751-1495; e-mail via
* Contact Attorney General Chris Koster to urge that he ensure justice by facilitating the stay. Call 573-751-3321; write: PO Box 899, Jefferson City MO 652101; e-mail www.ago.mo.gov. * Contact your Missouri Senator and Representative to urge them to ensure the establishment of transparency around the suppliers of execution drugs and the government’s use of our tax dollars. To find your legislator: http://www.senate.mo.gov/legislookup/default.aspx
 *  Attend the execution watch May 11, 2016

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(source: Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
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