Jan. 2


Ted Cruz really, really loves the death penalty

Ted Cruz would represent a lot of firsts should he be elected president: He'd be the 1st Hispanic president, and the 1st president to be born in Canada (or anywhere outside the 50 states, for that matter). But he'd also be the 1st president ever to have clerked for the Supreme Court. And Cruz has cited his subsequent record before the court, where he has presented oral arguments times (8 as solicitor general of Texas), as an important credential both in this presidential campaign and in his come-from-behind 2012 run for Senate. 5 of his 9 Supreme Court appearances related to the same issue: the death penalty. In each case, Cruz represented the state of Texas and defended capital punishment in cases where even many advocates would normally be squeamish. He defended executing rapists who had killed no one; executing the mentally ill; and executing a man with an IQ of 78. He lost those 3 cases, all by narrow 5-4 votes. But his 2 other appearances related to the same case, in which Cruz was opposed by the Bush administration, the Mexican government, and the International Court of Justice. Cruz won, and the defendant was executed 5 months later.

The Jose Medellin case

Whatever one thinks about his death sentence and eventual execution, Jose Medellin was hardly a sympathetic character. At age 18 he, by his own admission, orchestrated the gang rape and murder of 2 girls, ages 14 and 16, in 1993, committed in conjunction with 5 other members of his gang. Afterward, he joyfully bragged about the crime to Joe Cantu, 1 of the gang member's brothers, and Joe's wife Christina, as described in a 1997 state appeals court ruling upholding Medellin's conviction:

[Christina] asked the group what had occurred and appellant responded that they "had fun" and that their exploits would be seen on the television news. Appellant [Medellin] was hyper, giggling, and laughing. ... As if to accentuate his conquest, appellant showed Christina his blood soaked underwear. Appellant related that after another gang member sexually assaulted the second girl, he "turned her around" and anally raped her. Appellant also bragged of having forced both girls to engage in oral sex with him...

When Christina asked the group what happened to the girls, appellant told her that they had been killed so that they could not identify their attackers. Appellant then elaborated that it would have been easier with a gun, but because they did not have one at the scene of the incident, he took off one of his shoelaces and strangled at least 1 of the girls with it. Both Joe and Christina noted that appellant complained of the difficulty group encountered in killing the girls. After appellant related the difficulty he encountered in strangling one of the girls, he said that he put his foot on her throat because she would not die.

He proceeded to confess to his participation in the crimes in a written statement to police. He and 4 of the 5 other participants were sentenced to death. Jose's little brother Venancio, who was 14 at the time, confessed to participating in the rape of 1 of the girls but not the murder, and received a sentence of 40 years (he has been denied parole 5 times, most recently last month). 2 of the 5 perpetrators sentenced to death - Raul Villareal and Efrain Perez - saw their sentences commuted in 2005 after the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to execute offenders for crimes committed while they were under 18 (Villareal and Perez were both 17). The other 3 participants - Medellin, Peter Cantu, and Derrick Sean O'Brien - were executed in 2008, 2010, and 2006, respectively.

The Supreme Court did not take up Cantu and O'Brien's cases. But it did take up Medellin's, twice, because his death sentence appeared to run afoul of international law. Medell'n was a Mexican citizen, and under the Vienna Convention of 1963, foreign nationals must be informed by authorities arresting them abroad of their right to contact their consulate for support. Medellin was never informed of this right. In 2004, the International Court of Justice - the judicial organ of the United Nations, which arbitrates disputes between countries - ruled, in response to a complaint by Mexico, that the US had violated the Vienna Convention by not informing Medellin and 50 other Mexican nationals on death row of these rights, and ordered US courts to review all 51 convictions and sentences.

That opened the door for Medell'n to launch a new appeal, which Texas (represented by Cruz) rigorously fought. The Bush administration - not especially known for its fondness for the UN and other multilateral institutions - nonetheless took the ICJ's side, telling courts that reconsideration was obligatory given the US's treaty obligations. The case first hit the Supreme Court in 2005, when the justices ruled that Medellin hadn't exhausted his state-level appeals. Once Medellin had exhausted them, the case went back to the Court, with arguments in October 2007.

Cruz's contentions were that:

1 Merely ratifying the Vienna Convention, and its "Optional Protocol" allowing for ICJ jurisdiction over related issues, did not make the ICJ's decisions binding US law. In other words: US courts have no obligation to obey ICJ rulings.

2 Bush's memorandum to courts instructing them to obey the ICJ ruling had no binding authority.

The Court agreed with him on both counts, ruling 6-3 that the ICJ ruling was not binding and Texas could execute Medellin if it so chose. John Paul Stevens - normally a liberal vote - joined with the Court's conservatives in ruling for Texas, and against Bush and the UN.

The decision brought widespread condemnation both from human rights groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and from veteran diplomats who worried about the precedent it set; Jeffrey Davidow, a former ambassador to Mexico, Zambia, and Venezuela, called Medellin's execution "an irrevocable violation of the most important treaty governing consular assistance for our citizens detained in other countries," a violation that could endanger hundreds or thousands of American citizens in legal jeopardy abroad.

But Cruz seized on the victory. In a 2010 article for the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy boisterously titled, "Defending US Sovereignty, Separation of Powers, and Federalism in Medellin v. Texas," he characterizes the issues raised by the case this way: "Are the American people governed by judges, courts, and laws of nations other than our own, or are they governed by the United States Constitution, by the U.S. Congress, the United States government, and ultimately by 'We the People'? It is difficult to imagine a more fundamental question." At points, the grandiose constitutionalist rhetoric reads less like scholarship and more like campaign literature.

And sure enough, the case would become campaign literature. A 2012 TV spot for Cruz's Senate primary campaign touted the Medellin case, with a narrator booming, "When the UN and the World Court overruled a Texas jury's verdict to execute an illegal alien for raping and murdering 2 teenage girls, Ted Cruz fought all the way to the Supreme Court, and he delivered."

The rest of Cruz's death penalty record

The other 3 death penalty cases that Cruz argued before the Supreme Court, however, weren't as ready-made for campaign advertising, not least because Cruz lost all 3.

Seriously. None. Zero relation.

In 2008, Cruz intervened in the case of Kennedy v. Louisiana. Patrick Kennedy was convicted of raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter, and while the Supreme Court had ruled in 1977 that death sentences for raping adults were unconstitutional, it had left vague whether sentences for raping children were.

Cruz filed a brief on behalf of a coalition of 9 states - Texas, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Washington - which supported Louisiana, and defended the brief in court, emphasizing the uniquely grave harm rape inflicts upon children. Another amicus brief from a group of nonprofits, including the Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault and the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, countered that death sentences for child rape increased the odds that child molesters would kill their victims, and deterred victims and their guardians from reporting family members or family friends.

Louisiana, and Cruz, lost 5-4, with the Court ruling that the death penalty was only constitutional as punishment for murder and crimes against the state. Embarrassingly, Cruz and his allies didn't know that the US military had in 2006 adopted the death penalty for child rape, a fact that hurt the Court majority's argument that "evolving standards" about punishment precluded the use of capital punishment in such cases; if standards in the military were evolving the other way, that's quite good evidence in Cruz's favor. But it's evidence Cruz didn't uncover in time, nor did anyone else on the case.

In 2007, Cruz argued before the Court in Panetti v. Quarterman, a case that weighed whether Texas could execute Scott Panetti, a clearly mentally ill man convicted of killing his estranged wife's parents. Panetti, who is schizophrenic, has said that a figure named "Sarge" controlled him during the murders, and claimed that "demons had been laughing at him" after the murders. He represented himself at his first trial, wearing a cartoon cowboy outfit and "summon[ing] the pope, John F. Kennedy and Jesus Christ as witnesses." Panetti's psychiatric evaluation found that while Panetti was clearly delusional about the context of his case, he was aware that he murdered his parents-in-law, aware of his punishment, and aware of why Texas wanted to execute him. Lower courts had ruled this was enough, and that Panetti was sane enough that an execution would not constitute cruel and unusual punishment.

Cruz, defending Panetti's execution, didn't argue on substantive grounds but claimed that Panetti could not validly bring up the issue, as he did not raise mental incompetence-based arguments in his first habeas corpus petition seeking reprieve from execution. The Court ruled against Cruz and Texas, 5-4, noting that Cruz's position has some bizarre implications, such as that a prisoner who becomes insane on death row after filing his 1st habeas petition cannot seek relief, even though executing him would be clearly unconstitutional under a decades-old Supreme Court decision. Panetti is still fighting his execution in court, most recently getting a stay last December.

Also in 2007, Cruz argued before the Court in Smith v. Texas. LaRoyce Lathair Smith had killed a Taco Bell worker in Dallas in 1991, and received a death sentence. But the jury was not allowed to consider that Smith had an IQ of only 78, and that he was a 19-year-old still in the 9th grade, when it sentenced him. Because of that, the Supreme Court overturned his sentence 7-2 in 2004.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals then reimposed the sentence, saying the jury not considering Smith's mental disabilities hadn't caused any "egregious harm" to the fairness of his sentence. By a 5-4 ruling, the Court disagreed with that Court (and with Cruz), rejecting the Texas Court's "egregious harm" standard and overturning his sentence yet again. The next year, prosecutors reached a plea deal with Smith under which he received life in prison instead of death.

The unifying feature of these 3 cases - other than the fact that Cruz lost them all - is that they concern boundary cases of capital punishment in which even many people who are for the death penalty in general would object to its use. Executing people for non-murder crimes is not a particularly popular policy. Nor is executing paranoid schizophrenics or the mentally disabled. But Cruz defended each of these. Cruz can claim he was merely defending Texas, but that would negate his ability to call upon his solicitor general record as a credential, as a source of personal achievements. Either he owns his entire history before the Supreme Court, or he owns none of it. And owning all of it means defending some fairly unsavory losses.

(source: vox.com)


State Supreme Court upholds conviction, death penalty in abuse slaying of girlfriend's toddler

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty and 1st-degree murder conviction of a man charged in the physical abuse death of his girlfriend's 4-year-old son.

31-year-old Patrick Haney Jr., was convicted and sentenced by a Fayette County jury last year in the 2011 death of 4-year-old Trenton St. Clair.

Haney has denied harming the boy and his attorney argued that even if the abuse occurred as prosecutors claimed, they didn't prove Haney specifically intended to kill the boy.

The high court rejected that in upholding the conviction and death sentence on Thursday.

The boy's mother, Heather Forsythe, is serving 2 1/2 to 5 years in after pleading guilty to child endangerment by not seeking immediate medical attention for the boy, who was abused over several weeks.

(source: Associated Press)


It's All In the Past: Civil War execution of Thomas J. Thorpe

Federal executions of Missourians for bushwhacking and other disloyal activities were not uncommon during the Civil War. However, they were not everyday occurrences.

Authorities were usually reluctant to impose the death penalty except for very serious cases and even more reluctant to carry it out. Even when a man was condemned to death, the execution sometimes got postponed repeatedly. Such was the case of Thomas J. Thorpe of Oregon County.

Thorpe, according to his own statement, joined Thomas Freeman's Missouri State Guard regiment (part of Gen. James McBride's division) early in the war. Freeman and 29 of his men were captured in February 1862 at the Battle of Crane Creek (near present-day Crane), and Thorpe might have been among those taken prisoner, although this is not altogether clear.

Regardless, Thorpe said he remained with McBride after he left Freeman's regiment. So, he apparently did have some standing as a regular soldier, at least during the early part of the war.

However, later in the war, he operated as a partisan or guerrilla in his home territory. In October of 1863, he was taken into custody and transported to Pilot Knob. According to his own account, he surrendered, but Union authorities reported only that he was arrested as a rebel.

On the 19th, he took an oath of allegiance and gave a $1,000 bond. The dark-eyed, dark-haired Thorpe was 28 years old at the time and stood 5 feet, 7 inches, tall. The terms of his oath specified that he must not go south of Oregon County and must report to the provost marshal???s office at Pilot Knob on the last day of each month.

Sometime after his release from custody at Pilot Knob, he and 2 other men were accused of killing a citizen named Obediah Leavitt. On March 20, 1864, Thorpe was arrested in Oregon County and charged with murder, violating his oath, and being a guerrilla.

He was tried around July 1 and found guilty of murder and being a guerrilla. On July 6, he was transported to St. Louis and imprisoned at Gratiot Street Prison to await the promulgation of his sentence. The sentence was announced on July 29 - to be hung by the neck until dead. The execution was scheduled to be carried out on Sept. 2 at Pilot Knob.

Thorpe appealed to the president of the United States for a new hearing, but Lincoln denied the request and also declined to pardon Thorpe. However, on Sept. 1, the day Thorpe was to be escorted back to Pilot Knob to meet his death, the sentence was temporarily suspended by Gen. William Rosecrans, commanding the Department of the Missouri. On Dec. 3, Thorpe was sent in irons to Alton, Illinois, Military Prison to await his fate.

The reason for the 1st postponement of Thorpe's execution is not clear, but it was postponed 3 more times during February and March of 1865 on account of his poor health. Finally, in late April, he was deemed sufficiently recovered that he could be put to death. He was scheduled to hang on May 1.

On April 30, Thorpe was taken from Alton, Illinois, back to Gratiot Street Military Prison, where the execution was to take place. The next day, he was escorted to the prison yard, where a gallows awaited him. A few spectators and 2 or 3 reporters were there to witness the event.

Asked if he had any last words, Thorpe replied that he had been accused unjustly and that he had never killed anyone nor been a guerrilla. A recent convert to Catholicism, he said he would die happy, and he expected to go to heaven.

He left a note to his wife asking her to make sure their kids received schooling and requesting they be baptized by a priest.

The rope was then placed around Thorpe's neck and he dropped to his death at 10:48 a.m. He died almost instantly, his neck broken by the fall, but he was not declared dead until 11:21 a.m.

(source: leaderjournal.com)


Prosecutor Says Legislature Must Decide About Death Penalty

The prosecutor who secured a death sentence against Dale Wayne Eaton for the murder of a Montana woman nearly 30 years ago says Eaton's continuing appeals signal that the Wyoming Legislature must decide whether it truly supports capital punishment.

A federal judge last year set aside Eaton's original death sentence in the 1988 killing of Lisa Kimmell, of Billings, Montana. The judge ruled Eaton had received inadequate representation from the Wyoming Public Defender's Office.

The judge last week blocked the state from holding another death penalty hearing for Eaton while his federal appeals are pending.

Casper District Attorney Mike Blonigen was the original prosecutor in Eaton's 2004 trial. Blonigen says that if state lawmakers want Wyoming to have the death penalty, they must adequately fund both the prosecution and defense.

(source: Associated Pres)

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