+++ Gunnar Wolf [06-02-15 20:40 -0600]:
> Wookey dijo [Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 05:07:13PM +0000]:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have decided to take a 2 week holiday in Mexico as I am there anyway.
> > My Wife will come out on the 20th to join us.
> > We like to go to obscure wildlife/backcountry sort of places so normally
> > hire a car and travel that way, camping if possible. I am wondering whether
> > it will be possible to hire a car in Oaxtepec (or if any residents 'know a
> > man' who would like to rent us something, or have a sparish one?). Slightly
> > crap cars is something I am used to :-)
> Don't worry, Mexico is not such a forgotten place ;-) In the even
> there is no rental place in Oaxtepec, I'm sure you will find something
> in Cuautla (10 minutes away). Anyway, locals: Can you hint on this?
> (sending a copy to debconf6-localteam, as some locals will not read it
> in -discuss)

Has anyone looked into the hire-car situation in Oaxtepec or Cuatla? I'm
sure you all have a million things to do, and realise this is not very far
up your lists but I want to sort this out before I leave (as either I or
the wife, travelling 1 week apart, needs to have bpoth driving licences and
know which of us is doing car-rental, from which city :-)

So I need to find out what's available locally (and if I can drop off in
MEX, and how much) or revert to what I can find on-line.

If no-one has time to do this in the next few days then just say so and I'll
stop bugging you about it :-)

Wookey (who now knows about 60 words of Spanish :-)
Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/     play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/
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