Greetings debconf-discuss, Every year, the DebConf team prepares a final report. This allows future years to learn from us, and is critical in securing repeat sponsors.
*You* can help with this report, too. Your perspective are very helpful in this report. In fact, we'd love to have articles from your perspective. Some concrete ideas for contributions are: - "Personal impressions" - excepts from your blog posts. It would help us to have someone search for old Planet Debian posts to quote (with permission). - A day trip article - An article on other social activities - Write-up on describing some interesting talks - Anything else you can think of. You can see much more and claim articles here: If you have any questions about how to help, just let any of us know. Thanks, - Richard -- | Richard Darst - rkd@ - boltzmann: up 523 days, 4:52 | - pgp 0xBD356740 | "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free" _______________________________________________ Debconf-discuss mailing list