* Nicolas Dandrimont <ol...@debian.org> [2014-08-28 18:57:34 +0200]:

> Hey folks,
> Aigars suggested that we should gather around and take a picture of the GSoC
> students and mentors present at DebConf.
> I guess the easiest way to do so, would be to piggy-back on the regular group
> photo meeting, happening tomorrow. Therefore, if you want to be on that
> picture, please stick around after the regular photo.

So, I've been notified that at least two people involved in GSoC are leaving
tomorrow morning and will miss the group picture.

I propose we move the GSoC picture taking today during the afternoon break at
15:30 PDT (to make it convenient, in the same spot Aigars will take the
pictures of people that will have left tomorrow).

Everyone involved in GSoC in Debian, either this year or in years past, is
invited to join us, and even if you're a mentor w/o student or a student w/o

Sorry for the shuffling around and thanks for being here!
Nicolas Dandrimont

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