I just want to share my experiences with renting a bike.

I went to 96th street at broadway to West Side Bicyles. Got a nice
bike but without a bike lock. They said, I would not need it, since the
bike would get stolen anyway, if I would leave it outside and go into
the cinema or somewehre else. So I had to purchase a lock, since I
wanted to have the bike for more than a day.

Riding a bike in New York is fun. I had no problems with the amount of
cars in the city nor with cars driving close to me. IMO it's a very
nice way to see a lot of places in NY, without walking to much or
always using the metro. For me, the best way of transportation.

I rented the bike for one day and 5 hours, but they charged me less
for less time. I had to pay 78$ roughly.
Locking the bike in front of carman over night also worked well - the
bike didn't disappeared :-)

The only obstacle^Wchallenge for me was, that the streets here are
more steep than in Cologne, where they are just flat.

If someone needs a bike lock for renting a bike, just contact me, you
can borrow mine for free.

regards Thomas
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