Hi, I'm waiting the results of my subscription to the DebCamp and DebConf
asking to the funds.

I think we can organize some kind of artistic and musical performance
during the events, I not know How, but I have the motovation and some
initial ideias about this If you are interesses.

Em seg, 22 de abr de 2019 10:20, Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> escreveu:

> >>>>> "ValessioBrito" == ValessioBrito  <vales...@gmail.com> writes:
>     ValessioBrito>    Hi Sam, I have a DJ friend also want to
>     ValessioBrito> collaborate. can get to DebCamp to set up a music
>     ValessioBrito> hacklab!  Nice idea!
> I'm definitely happy to chat with your friend.  My approach is probably
>  very different because I'm blind, but I'm very open to learning.
> I submitted a session proposal titled "Transing Out with DJ DPL".
> I don't entirely know what my debcamp availability will be like: I
> recently was elected project leader and I'm imagining that may involve
> some work at debcamp:-)

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