---------- Forwarded message ----------
Message-ID: <161687355375.3666.12906764209603803348.reportbug@alpha>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2021 20:32:33 +0100
Subject: Bug#986009: installation-reports: document qemu workarounds and bug in
    newer d-i image

Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal
Tags: d-i

Boot method: CD
Image version:
Date: 2021-03-26 to 2021-03-27

Machine: qemu-system-alpha on a buster host
Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred>

root@alpha:~# fdisk -l                                                          
Disk /dev/sda: 40 GiB, 42949672960 bytes, 83886080 sectors                      
Disk model: QEMU HARDDISK                                                       
Geometry: 255 heads, 2 sectors/track, 164482 cylinders                          
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes                                           
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes                           
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes                               
Disklabel type: bsd                                                             
Slice    Start      End  Sectors   Size Type     Fsize Bsize Cpg                
a            1     1954     1954   977K ext2         0     0   0                
b         1955   353517   351563 171.7M ext2         0     0   0                
c       353518 81884768 81531251  38.9G ext2         0     0   0                
d     81884769 83886078  2001310 977.2M swap         0     0   0                
root@alpha:~# df -Tl                                                            
Filesystem     Type     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on             
udev           devtmpfs   2052568       0   2052568   0% /dev
tmpfs          tmpfs       413304     472    412832   1% /run
/dev/sda3      ext4      39860300 1123656  36682092   3% /
tmpfs          tmpfs      2066512       0   2066512   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs         5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
/dev/sda2      ext2        170219   68778     92653  43% /boot
tmpfs          tmpfs       413296       0    413296   0% /run/user/0

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect media:           [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
User/password setup:    [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O]
Install base system:    [E]
Install tasks:          [O]
Install boot loader:    [?]
Overall install:        [↓]


  is insufficient, it lacks the ISO which contains nic-modules
- Tried
  first but it contains errors, e.g. no /var/lib/dpkg/status,
  thus used a random older image; turned out to work
- Ran into #985954 so used raw qemu instead of libvirt/virt-manager
- qemu-system-alpha’s SRM firmware ("BIOS") seems to be unable to do
  more than set up the bus and echo back REPL commands instead of executing
  them, so only direct kernel boot is usable, so I copied out the kernel and
  initrd from the ISO and ran:

  qemu-system-alpha -cpu ev68-alpha-cpu -m 2048 -drive 
format=raw,file=/dev/vg-evolvis-wirt/alpha -drive 
format=raw,file=debian-10.0.0-alpha-NETINST-1.iso -nographic -net nic -net user 
-kernel vmlinux-alpha -initrd initrd-alpha.gz -append console=ttyS0

  Installation using the serial console, including screen, worked fine.
- After install, booting from the HDD failed (see above), so I used
  partprobe (kpartx, normally the tool of choice, failed to recognise
  the BSD disklabel used by SRM and thus Linux/Alpha) to map the boot
  partition onto the host and copied kernel and initrd out and boot with:

  qemu-system-alpha -cpu ev68-alpha-cpu -m 4096 -drive 
format=raw,file=/dev/vg-evolvis-wirt/alpha -nographic -net nic -net user 
-kernel ~/vmlinux-5.10.0-5-alpha-generic -initrd 
~/initrd.img-5.10.0-5-alpha-generic -append 'console=ttyS0 
- After install, getting tons of unaligned messages from dbus:
  [  320.117023] dbus-daemon(366): unaligned trap at 0000020000080bf0: 
00000000f6857c0e 28 18
⚠ Unfortunately there was no way to disable usrmerge in d-i,
  so I’m now left with a system I cannot build on and have
  to resort to debootstrapping me a chroot

Please make sure that any installation logs that you think would
be useful are attached to this report. Please compress large
files using gzip.

-- Package-specific info:

Installer lsb-release:
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Debian GNU/Linux installer"
DISTRIB_RELEASE="11 (bullseye) - installer build 20200315"

Installer hardware-summary:
uname -a: Linux alpha 5.8.0-3-alpha-generic #1 Debian 5.8.14-1 (2020-10-10) 
alpha GNU/Linux
lspci -knn: 00:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Cirrus Logic GD 5446 
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU Virtual Machine [1af4:1100]
lspci -knn: 00:01.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82540EM 
Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:100e] (rev 03)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Red Hat, Inc. QEMU Virtual Machine [1af4:1100]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: e1000
lspci -knn:     Kernel modules: e1000
lspci -knn: 00:02.0 IDE interface [0101]: Silicon Image, Inc. PCI0646 
[1095:0646] (rev 07)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Red Hat, Inc. Device [1af4:1100]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: pata_cmd64x
lspci -knn:     Kernel modules: pata_cmd64x, ata_generic
lsmod: Module                  Size  Used by
lsmod: dm_mod                141641  0
lsmod: md_mod                165498  0
lsmod: jfs                   234991  0
lsmod: xor                     7416  0
lsmod: zstd_decompress        86873  0
lsmod: zstd_compress         228773  0
lsmod: raid6_pq               93800  0
lsmod: libcrc32c               1538  0
lsmod: vfat                   14609  0
lsmod: fat                    79800  1 vfat
lsmod: ext4                  565303  2
lsmod: crc16                   1593  1 ext4
lsmod: mbcache                 5940  1 ext4
lsmod: jbd2                   81644  1 ext4
lsmod: crc32c_generic          2522  4
lsmod: e1000                 161461  0
lsmod: nls_utf8                1813  0
lsmod: isofs                  48672  0
lsmod: cdrom                  59844  1 isofs
lsmod: srm_env                 3018  0
lsmod: sd_mod                 60526  4
lsmod: t10_pi                  6092  1 sd_mod
lsmod: crc_t10dif              3263  1 t10_pi
lsmod: crct10dif_common        1606  1 crc_t10dif
lsmod: ata_generic             4271  0
lsmod: pata_cmd64x             8984  3
lsmod: libata                232175  2 pata_cmd64x,ata_generic
lsmod: scsi_mod              193212  2 sd_mod,libata
df: Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
df: tmpfs                   205664        96    205568   0% /run
df: devtmpfs               1020280         0   1020280   0% /dev
df: /dev/sda3             39860300    964340  36841408   3% /target
df: /dev/sda2               170219     68778     92653  43% /target/boot
df: /dev/sda3             39860300    964340  36841408   3% /dev/.static/dev
df: devtmpfs               1020280         0   1020280   0% /target/dev
free:               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   
free: Mem:        2056576      133608      571640      176568     1351328     
free: Swap:       1000640           0     1000640
/proc/cmdline: console=ttyS0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu                      : Alpha
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu model                : EV67
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu variation            : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu revision             : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu serial number        : 
/proc/cpuinfo: system type              : Tsunami
/proc/cpuinfo: system variation : Clipper
/proc/cpuinfo: system revision          : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: system serial number     : QEMU
/proc/cpuinfo: cycle frequency [Hz]     : 250000000 
/proc/cpuinfo: timer frequency [Hz]     : 1024.00
/proc/cpuinfo: page size [bytes]        : 8192
/proc/cpuinfo: phys. address bits       : 40
/proc/cpuinfo: max. addr. space #       : 255
/proc/cpuinfo: BogoMIPS         : 493.60
/proc/cpuinfo: kernel unaligned acc     : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
/proc/cpuinfo: user unaligned acc       : 77 (pc=200011db644,va=11f831ffc)
/proc/cpuinfo: platform string          : N/A
/proc/cpuinfo: cpus detected            : 1
/proc/cpuinfo: L1 Icache                : 64K, 2-way, 64b line
/proc/cpuinfo: L1 Dcache                : 64K, 2-way, 64b line
/proc/cpuinfo: L2 cache         : 1024K, 1-way, 64b line
/proc/cpuinfo: L3 cache         : n/a
/proc/ioports: 00000000-01ffffff : PCI IO bus 0
/proc/ioports:   00000000-0000001f : dma1
/proc/ioports:   00000020-0000003f : pic1
/proc/ioports:   00000040-0000005f : timer
/proc/ioports:   00000060-0000006f : keyboard
/proc/ioports:   00000070-0000007f : rtc
/proc/ioports:   00000080-0000008f : dma page reg
/proc/ioports:   000000a0-000000bf : pic2
/proc/ioports:   000000c0-000000df : dma2
/proc/ioports:   000002f8-000002ff : serial
/proc/ioports:   000003c0-000003df : alpha-vga+
/proc/ioports:   000003f8-000003ff : serial
/proc/ioports:   00008000-0000803f : 0000:00:01.0
/proc/ioports:     00008000-0000803f : e1000
/proc/ioports:   00008040-0000804f : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/ioports:     00008040-0000804f : pata_cmd64x
/proc/ioports:   00008050-00008057 : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/ioports:     00008050-00008057 : pata_cmd64x
/proc/ioports:   00008058-0000805f : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/ioports:   00008060-00008063 : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/ioports:     00008060-00008063 : pata_cmd64x
/proc/ioports:   00008064-00008067 : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/iomem: 00000000-3fffffff : PCI mem bus 0
/proc/iomem:   09000000-0903ffff : 0000:00:01.0
/proc/iomem:   09040000-0905ffff : 0000:00:01.0
/proc/iomem:     09040000-0905ffff : e1000
/proc/iomem:   09060000-0906ffff : 0000:00:00.0
/proc/iomem:   09070000-09070fff : 0000:00:00.0
/proc/iomem:   0a000000-0bffffff : 0000:00:00.0
/proc/interrupts:              CPU0       
/proc/interrupts:     1:         12    XT-PIC        i8042
/proc/interrupts:     2:          0    XT-PIC        cascade
/proc/interrupts:     4:      14158    XT-PIC        ttyS0
/proc/interrupts:     8:   13263167     dummy      -RTC       timer
/proc/interrupts:    12:          6    XT-PIC        i8042
/proc/interrupts:    24:      72766   CLIPPER        enp0s1
/proc/interrupts:    28:     109606   CLIPPER        pata_cmd64x
/proc/interrupts: PMI:          0           Performance Monitoring
/proc/interrupts: ERR:          0
/proc/meminfo: MemTotal:        2056576 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemFree:          571640 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemAvailable:    1804024 kB
/proc/meminfo: Buffers:          150024 kB
/proc/meminfo: Cached:          1201304 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapCached:            0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active:           566008 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive:         814720 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(anon):     155448 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(anon):    50512 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(file):     410560 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(file):   764208 kB
/proc/meminfo: Unevictable:           0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mlocked:               0 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapTotal:       1000640 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapFree:        1000640 kB
/proc/meminfo: Dirty:               640 kB
/proc/meminfo: Writeback:             0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonPages:         29432 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mapped:             6136 kB
/proc/meminfo: Shmem:            176568 kB
/proc/meminfo: KReclaimable:      82912 kB
/proc/meminfo: Slab:              90984 kB
/proc/meminfo: SReclaimable:      82912 kB
/proc/meminfo: SUnreclaim:         8072 kB
/proc/meminfo: KernelStack:        1024 kB
/proc/meminfo: PageTables:          592 kB
/proc/meminfo: NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Bounce:                0 kB
/proc/meminfo: WritebackTmp:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: CommitLimit:     2028928 kB
/proc/meminfo: Committed_AS:     215608 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocTotal:    8388608 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocUsed:        8616 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocChunk:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Percpu:              192 kB
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0001 Product=0001 Version=ab41
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=isa0060/serio0/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=sysrq kbd leds 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=120013
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=402000000 3803078f800d001 feffffdfffefffff 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: LED=7

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