Dear Debian folks,

I use Open Office.  It works OK for me most of the time.  It can save files
as Microsoft Word documents.  I work with people who use MSWindows software
all the time such as MSWord etc.  I want to send an encrypted or password
protected file to them.

If you produce a word processor document in MSWord apparently according them
you just click on some menu item with encypt on it and it encrypts the
document for you.  Whether it attaches a password to it as well or how the
user at the other end decrypts it I don't know....

But with OpenOffice it doesn't look like there is an encryption function on
it like there is in MSWord but there is a password protection option when
you save a file in it.  If you look on google for Openoffice stuff on
encryption on there it all reads like a chapter from Finnegan's Wake by
James Joyce or even that it has itself been partly encrypted.....  If you
want to password protect or encrypt some files reasonably competently and
then send them in a format the MSWindows world would decrypt relatively
easily what would you do?

Do I have to use other software like GnuPGP or whatever it is conjunction
with Open Office?  Maybe I should just copy the files on to CD and then send
them by old fashioned snail mail.  That really would confuse the hackers.

Suggestions welcome,

Michael Fothergill

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