
Definitively the culprit is the new driver. I tried the testing and the
> unstable driver but they just do not work properly. They will freeze my
> laptop as soon as I try to connect to a wireless network. My fix is just a
> band-aid and it can't be considered a good fix, but it works.

In order to know if the driver is the problem, I compiled the
kernel version a few time ago and works perfectly (I'm using it now), so I
think that the problem isn't the driver. Before that, I compiled others
version and also works.
Another interesting thing is with the same hardware on Ubuntu also works,
so, I wonder if the problem is on the way that the kernel was compile for
amd64 or something else.

On the other hand, when I used the 2.6.32-27 (current kernel for Squeeze)
the system is halt most of the time.

So... ¿Someone is using the current kernel and drivers from Squeeze
repository on a amd64 and have it working well?

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