Is there in deed any reason to prefer amd64 over i586 if you have the
choice and a machine with 2GB RAM or less, apart from perhaps long term

Am Do., 14. Apr. 2022 um 10:38 Uhr schrieb Paul Wise <>:

> On Tue, 2022-04-12 at 05:59 +0200, Friedhelm Waitzmann wrote:
> > And if it is indeed possible, how can I switch from i386 to
> > amd64?  Can this be done with the apt tools?  Then during the
> > migrating some packages will be from amd64 already while others
> > will be still i386.  How does that go right?
> If your hardware supports it, you can either reinstall from scratch or
> cross-grade an existing install from i386 to amd64, either using the
> crossgrader tool or more manual methods of doing the same thing.
> --
> bye,
> pabs

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