Package: apache
Version: 1.3.33-1

This source-package prints the following message at the end of the
compilation.  I don't like this kind of humor and think this is really
bad taste:
if [ -e debian/apache.buildd.i386 ]; then \
 figlet `cat debian/apache.buildd.i386`; \
else \
 echo -e "\n\n*** HEY THIS IS YOUR LUCKY DAY! ***\n\n"; \
  ____  ___  
 / ___|/ _ \ 
| |  _| | | |
| |_| | |_| |
 __  __  ___ _____ _   _ _____ ____  _____ _   _  ____ _  _______ ____  _ 
|  \/  |/ _ \_   _| | | | ____|  _ \|  ___| | | |/ ___| |/ / ____|  _ \| |
| |\/| | | | || | | |_| |  _| | |_) | |_  | | | | |   | ' /|  _| | |_) | |
| |  | | |_| || | |  _  | |___|  _ <|  _| | |_| | |___| . \| |___|  _ <|_|
|_|  |_|\___/ |_| |_| |_|_____|_| \_\_|    \___/ \____|_|\_\_____|_| \_(_)

I tried to backport the sid package to the sarge distribution in order
to update to a safe version of Apache.  It's the first time a program
calls me "Motherfucker" while I improve a system's security.

How to fix: just remove the shell lines I quoted above in the debian/rules

Olivier Beyssac - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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