
first , contratulations for the new installer, and keep going on 
for the good work.

Here my installtion Report:
I have download net netinst CD and burn it.
The first problem i have to solve, is it possible to install a netinst
CD with dsl (pppoe)? After searchin in the internet, i read it was
possible, i must first install the minimal system on my computer.
I think at the moment who the installer detect my network card, the
where a note for an installation with pppoe very usefull.

After i boot succsessfully my minimal system, i install the package
pppoeconf without problems. The next thing a i have to change the
intries in /etc/apt/sources.list, but i don't how to look the entries.
Ok, i make an "updatedb" locate sources.list",  after that i found an
example in "/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list".
It will be nice if the sources.list in /etc/apt have some example
entries that are commented out.
For security update where examples in sources.list .

The next, i update my system, and want to install a Desktop enviroment.
I have install xfce4 but without succsess.
After that i remember the programm tasksel.
I have chose to install the "desktop enviroment" in tasksel, and the
installation gone fine. After that i have a gnome desktop.

I think tasksel is a "super fantastic" tool that shoud be more
attention. It will be very nice and handy if you can choose a gnome, kde
or xfce4 desktop or even edu debian. You only need one distribution an
not like "ubuntu, xubuntu kubuntu edubuntu" .

Ok logged in my new gnome desktop, but suddenly i decided to switch
my user name. Ok, i made adduser  and logged in the new user, but
after that my sound and webcam didn't run anymore, what was happen?
After a little bit searching, i foud out, i have no permissions for
"/dev/video0", so i must add the new user in /etc/groups for audio and
so on.

That was my installation expierence.

I hope in the near future the gdc "D Language" will be
a part of the debian distribution. 

mfg Manfred



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