Hello All:

After some tries I am sad to say that nothing got done on that front. There are many reasons why nothing happened that I will outline in this email.

1. Some people said to hack NEWT other said curses and slang must be hacked too. It was very confusing as to where we need to start and how to get there. If anybody can give me expert advice as to where to get things done I can at least start targeting the right people.

2. Anybody who was interested in doing such a hack had no time . Since I am not a developer myself, I had to depend on developers to get it done.

3. The curses developer indicated that they will put in bidi once it incorporate shaping. Well Shaping should be added to Fribidi by March 5th (as I was promised). The question is, is it worth it to continure hacking NEWT,Slang and curses then ?

4. There is the GTK2 portion of the installer that will be able to use all the arabic translations out of the box. I still need to decide how far this project is and when can we epxect to see and beta relase of it.

5. I was thinking to running the debian installer on top of bicon (arabic fribidi layer for the console) but the author of this software has indicated that it will not work. There are other ways to integrate bicon in but the results are not guranteed nor predictable. In light of all this uncertainty, i have decided that it is best that we do it the right way trhough proper bidi and shaping in curse, slang and newt.

In Summary, nothing happened but the prospects look good. I strongly suggest you go with beta3 with out any arabic support due to the uncertainty of anything hapening. I would recommend you keep the arabic language showing in the list of langs. Somebody might decide to aid us and get it done ;)

Kind Regards,

Anmar Oueja

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