Package: installation-reports


Debian-installer-version: <Fill in date and from where you got the image>
 | Netinstall.iso 8/1/06
uname -a: <The result of running uname -a on a shell prompt>
Date: <Date and time of the install>
| Tuesday 8/1/06, approx 4-6 pm PDT
Method: How did you install?  What did you boot off?  If network
      install, from where?  Proxied?
| CD Boot, network install at library public WAP, no proxie
| note : i told installer to take slice off my /home partition = OK
Machine: <Description of machine (eg, IBM Thinkpad R32)>
| powerpc pismo powerbook3,1
| ppc7410, altivec (apple upgrade)
Memory: 576 MB
Root Device: <IDE?  SCSI?  Name of device?>
| ide, hda
Root Size/partition table:  Feel free to paste the full partition
      table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.
| see notes
Output of lspci and lspci -n:
| see notes
Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [0 ]
Configure network HW:   [0 ]
Config network:         [ ]
Detect CD:              [0 ]
Load installer modules: [0 ]
Detect hard drives:     [0 ]
Partition hard drives:  [ ]
Create file systems:    [ ]
Mount partitions:       [ ]
Install base system:    [ ]
Install boot loader:    [0]
Reboot:                 [0]


<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>
IMHO: "standard" install is too big a gap with desktop. installation guide
describes two intermediate tasks: "work console", "developer" --
where are they ? these just happen to be my purposes.

lspci command needs to be installed manually via package "pciutils". also parted
is missing: perhaps both are in the di-utils packages, get erased ???  again
xorg install fails from "standard", although it worked after i copied the xorg.cfg
file from my sarge upgrade i saved this time. i was tempted to try and build
up this system further but after sleeping on it i decided it was too risky.
starting up the computer, i tried to apt-get parted and the mirror was unavailable.
the installer had not given me option to set up an alternate mirror, so i zapped my
pram/nvram and went back to my old system.

installer continues to inflict minor damages upon my macos (both X and classic)
partitions, fixable but a pain and worrisome. sarge never did this.

if i were given a machine with a clean/wiped disk drive to install debian etch,
at this point i would continue the method of install sarge first and test, then
upgrade to etch, as the most reliable method. as the installation guide tells
us that is an established method.

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