Package: reportbug
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n

> > This makes me discover that installation-report seems i18n'ed....but
> > where are the POt/PO files?
> > 
> > Or is the i18n work unfinished yet?
> It's unfinished, nothing generates po files for it yet.
> reportbug seems not to be localised, so doing it would probably be a
> better use of time than this minor script that uses reportbug.

Yes, interesting suggestion.

Recording this wishlist bug to reportbug. I CC debian-i18n in case
someone wants to help the reportbug maintainer to internationalize
it. It would be a very interesting feature to have.

reportbug is a Python program, so let's see if one of the Debian i18n
people has the skills, knowledge...and time to work on this. Probably
a post-Etch feature, but nothing prevents beginning the work now.

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