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has caused the Debian Bug report #696770,
regarding installation-report for 7.0 Beta4 CD1
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--- Begin Message ---
Package: installation-reports

Hi devs,

I got a new machine so I can now use the old one to play around on. I did an installation of 7.0 Beta4 Cd1 on my old machine. I decided to approach this as a newbie and my impressions. It's all my notes I made to myself. Kind of on the verbose side. I hope you find it useful and feel free to ask me any questions. Thanks for all the work you do.

Nick Marshall

Package: installation-reports

Boot method: CD.
Image version:
Date: 2012.12.24-25

Machine:  Compaq Deskpro EN
Processor: PIII Coppermine 730.93MHz
Memory: 377MB

Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on rootfs rootfs 4804736 3517640 1043028 78% / udev devtmpfs 10240 0 10240 0% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 38328 580 37748 2% /run /dev/disk/by-uuid/983e9f6a-471a-4f81-b28b-391651641240 ext4 4804736 3517640 1043028 78% / tmpfs tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock tmpfs tmpfs 154460 76 154384 1% /run/shm /dev/sda6 ext4 4425760 144372 4056572 4% /home

Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn):

 lspci -knn
00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation 82815 815 Chipset Host Bridge and Memory Controller Hub [8086:1130] (rev 02)
        Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller (CGC) [8086:1132] (rev 02)
        Subsystem: Compaq Computer Corporation Device [0e11:0019]
00:1e.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge [8086:244e] (rev 01) 00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation 82801BA ISA Bridge (LPC) [8086:2440] (rev 01) 00:1f.1 IDE interface [0101]: Intel Corporation 82801BA IDE U100 Controller [8086:244b] (rev 01)
        Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2411]
        Kernel driver in use: ata_piix
00:1f.4 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1 [8086:2444] (rev 01)
        Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2411]
        Kernel driver in use: uhci_hcd
00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller [0401]: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller [8086:2445] (rev 01) Subsystem: Compaq Computer Corporation Compaq Deskpro EN Audio [0e11:000b]
        Kernel driver in use: snd_intel8x0
02:08.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM/CA/CAM Ethernet Controller [8086:2449] (rev 01) Subsystem: Compaq Computer Corporation EtherExpress PRO/100 VM [0e11:0012]
        Kernel driver in use: e100

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [E]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [E]
Install base system:    [O]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
User/password setup:    [O]
Install tasks:          [E]
Install boot loader:    [O]
Overall install:        [O]


<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>

<The Begining of my notes>
Opening screen.

Install highlighted. Graphical Listed next. I'm not sure most people would know the the difference on first boot. I think Install should be Graphical by default and the Curses based one in the Advanced options sub menu. Should be:

Install [Graphical by default]
Advanced options

Or like this:

Install [Graphical by  default]
Install [No Graphics, CLI, something like that]
Advanced options

Pressing Tab to edit the menu entry should be under Advanced options.

The bottom should say:

Press Enter to make selection  and arrow keys to move up and down.


Pressed Install

Lines appeared just above the "Press ENTER..." it paused, the disc spun, screen blanked, came back on and was flashing the opening screen with varying horizontal lines. This happened before on some of the other distro installs. I think it happened on my squeeze install on this machine. Pressing Control-Alt-Delete relaunches the installer boot menu. Must be an issue with the video card.

Pressed Graphical Install

Same as above.

Pressed Help

looked over options here.

F2 - Prerequisites

Have the requirements. A clue on how much space needed for more than the base install would be good. How much space is this install of CD1 going to take? This machine meets the requirements

Line at the bottom shows "Press F1 for the help index, or ENTER to boot:"

Pressing ENTER

Undefined video mode number:314
Press <ENTER> to see video modes availabl, <SPACE> to continue, or wait 30 seconds.

waited 30 seconds.

It booted to the non graphical installer. I know this already but will check if anything changed since 6.0.3 installer. Hope to try the graphical one after.


Select language|

United States

Keymap to use|
- It should say use up/down errors to move the highlighted option.

No more check the CD menu.  No check out networking or DHCP and stuff.

Configure the network|
I'm still confused by this screen. My network administrator? This is what the computer is called by other parts of the system that I have noticed. Not just network related bits. Should be more like a "name this computer. It will be how it's identified by programs and internet and/or network usage. No spaces in the name." Something like that.

Called it debianex.  Ex for Experimental box.

Configure the network|
Same issue. It use to automatically pick the ISP provider. Now it's blank. Do I have a .com, .net? leaveing it blank. Seemed to work.

Set up users and passwords|

Good to know, but very confusing.

How about: Root will be this machines system administrator. Root can change all aspects of the machine, and read everyone's file. Root should not have an empty password. Leaving it blank will give the first user created on the system the ability to become root by using the "sudo" command. A good password ...[all the stuff about password creation]. Note you can't see...

Entered root password

Verified password

Set up users and passwords|

More confusion. What non-administrative duties do I do instead of root? So I get to use the "sudo" command by default?

Entered my full name

Set upsers and passwords|

Select a username for the new account....

Confusioning again. Didn't I just give it my name? Ok. Should be 'this is the short name used by the system for logins, etc. You can change it to something else.' Give the parameters.

Selected default

Entered the password.

Verified password.

I just noticed that all the headings are the same in this section. |[!!] Set up users and passwords |. I'm ignoring them. Hmmm.

configure clock |

Shouldn't this happen earlier?  Like after picking your country.
The 'If the desired...' info should be after picking the time zone. It's just a note.

Selected Pacific

Detectiong disks.... Loading additional components| Starting the partitioner |

Partion disks |

Wording is strange here. The parentheses after disk looks like it would be a definition, but it's more info. Do you need a definition for partioning here? Do you not get the option to choose which disk if you do it manually? Do I get to only review guided? You have 2 options really. Guided and Manual. Then there should be the other LVM bits there.

Trying Guided.  I usually use Manual.

Select the only disk.

I didn't know 3 choices was considered several. Should be more like 'Here are 3 partion options. If you are a new user [is this install program aimed at new users at all? hmmm.] , or are unsure; choose the first one.' The scheme of 'all files in one partion' doesn't need the new user info.

Picked Guided use entire disk

Asks me for the same disk. Overview with 2 parts. Looks fine, but will go back and do separate home.

Took me back to Partition Disk in main menu.  Same menus.

Chose Separate /home partion.

Almost the same as what I would do. Swap is equal to RAM? I usually do 150% or so. I'm guessing that 3GB is enough for the whole system. Will use these defaults for this test. Is there more under Guided partitioning? Oh, loops back to the guided/manual screen. Go back went back to the screen I was on.

Chose Finish partitioning.

Write changes?  Yes

Partitions formatting| Installing the base system|

Why is it installing 'extra packages' if this is the base install part?

Configuring Apt|

Configue the package manager|

Picked No on more scanning.

"A network mirror can be used..." The first paragraph doesn't need to be there. The same info is in the second. The second paragraph wording is odd to me. Didn't I just download a 600MB+ disc. Isn't the graphical desktop on it? I know the CD is not the entire repository. The network connection should point out that updates and more software are available with using a mirror.

Picked Yes to use a mirror.

I think it should be 'the goal _here_ is to find...'. '...close to me on the network' Do you mean the Internet network or my home network here?

Picked US.

I thought it was going to scan for a network close to me. I still have to pick it?

Picked the first one.

Proxy blank

Scanning.... Retrieving file 1 of 5..... 1 of 3......Security scan 1of4...

Select and install software|

Please wait....  Retrieving file 1 of 42.  I guess the mirror worked.

Guessing that it is pulling data off the network, cause the CD is not spinning. Preparing linux-image-3.2.0-4.... Didn't it do that already on the base install ? More locale configuring. Must learn what goes on here. Cd finally started spinning at 12% mark.

Configuring popularity-contest|

sounds good. I don't think I will remember that dpkg command later on. if I said no. Maybe it should just say you can modify it later in the help.

Picked Yes

What happened to the prompt to pick contrib and non-free for the sources list? Maybe they don't want you to leave the 100% open source land. Interesting, but I will still install Opera manually.

More installing.

Sofware selection|

'To tune..' ?

This installer doesn't default to having a desktop? SSH server and Standard system utilities? I thought this installer was for a desktop. Didn't the squeeze install have that already selected? I figured 'standard system utilities' would already be installed with the base system. So extra stuff was installed but not the standard utilities? Odd. Must learn what is in the standard system utilities since it's not part of the base.

Selected desktop, unselected SSH server.

Selct and install software|
Running tasksel...15% pause Retrieving file 1 of 1295. CD spinning. I should possibly time this. CD stopped spinning and more is being retrieved. The stuff was all loaded into RAM, or it's getting the balance from the mirror? More learning. All 1295 files seem done at 27%, the CD is spining,.... now installing.

Red screen! Installation step failed. What? This has never happened. The failing step is: Select and install software. From what point? Ughhhh. Pressed Continue. Took me to the main menu. Select and install software. Setting up.... Upgrading software.... PLease wait...Same red screen. Try again. Please wait... Cleaning up.... Red screen. Again. One more time. Noticed Cleaning up... is at 10%. One more time. Nope. Ok. It's late. Try again tomorrow. Sadness.

Check the CDs integrity. How do I save the log file to a disk that I'm going to erase and partition? CD is ok. Oh, save to floppy. :), web, try that. Whoa. It started it's own server. Niffty.

Ok. Logger man says that 'No space left' when extracting data at the /usr/shar/help/gl/gnome-help/ stage. This happened when I played with one of the other distros. Forgot which one. Which ever one it was did throw the error message up that it did happen and I increased the / partition. Well I now know that it will take more than 3GB to install wheezy CD1. The guided partition scheme should be updated to take more space for /. Starting over and increasing / by a gig to see what happens.

Using same steps all the way to partitioning.


Selected the 3GB / and want to resize. It has to write the current partition table before it can resize? Ok. Ummm. The normal dialog for changing a partition size comes up. CHangeing to 4GB. Red screen! 'Size entered is too large' . So I can shrink but not grow. My guess is since that it's the first section it can't automatically resize the sway and /home after it. Bummer. Will shrink /home and swap and see if I can grow /. Hmm. Now 970.6MB at the end. Let's try to grow /. Nope. Seems to want to put everything in series. Oh well. Back to Manual partitioning.

Went to Partition Disks in main menu and it took me back to the screen with my 4 partions. Ehhh. Ok. Back to Detect Disks. The 4 partion screen again? The Guided partitioning took me back a step before to pick manual. Select that. Yep. Hey now a new option. 'Guided - use the largest continuous free space'. Nice, but going with Manual.

Partioning.  Manual.

Manual should say 'for experinced users' after it. I don't think a newbie would have a clue to what is going on.

Deleting all the partitions and using my normal scheme.

Type for new partition should say what the difference between Primary and Logical is. Someday need to commit to memory what the diffs are. Seen the screen to many times to go by rote. Luckily it picks Logical for the next partition automagically.

Changed my mind.  Going to try just a bit larger than RAM for swap.

4GB     /
398.5MB swap - put 400MB in and got this.  Ahh 1024 or 1000. 5.6GB      /home

Same stuff for installing...

Same select desktop and unselect ssh server.

More installing...

Red Screen again?  What?  GGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Same 'No space left'. How big is this thing now? This time it died at /var/cache/man/7808. Is Gnome 3 that much bigger, did they change to the new compression scheme I read about packs more onto the disk? Grrr, grrr, grrr.

Ok. Online info search. Debian install guide says 5GB for the With Desktop Install type. The section on D.2 Disk SPace needed for Tasks says Gnome (default) needs 3473MB. So I add the old default of 701MB to the 3473 and get 4174. Well. Will give it another go at 5GB. Looks like LXDE and XFCE installs are going to cross 3GB also. How did I ever get LXDE and XFCE installed on squeeze with only 3GB. Removing openoffice and replacing with Gnumeric and Abiword right after the install must have been it. Ramble, ramble.

Started again.  Changed to 5GB /.

Oh looky here. Now that / is 5GB the Debian desktop enviroment is selected and so is print server. This info would have been helpful much earlier in the install. I think the partioning should happen after you pick what you want. I want x, y, z. Great xyz will take so much space, partion accordingly.

Unselected Print and SSH server.

AH hah. Reading squeeze requirements. Don't know why I picked 3GB in the first place since it's requirement is 5GB. Anyway. 532 vs. 701 for the standard install. 2018 vs. 2299 for LXDE. There is more wiggle room there. hmmm. LX grew and XF shrunk. And on and on and on and on. Hurry up and install before I rattle off more useless info.

Installing done... Blue screen...HD spinning like crazy....Grubby!

Grub to MBR Yes.

Installation complete.  Reboot.

Log in. Working. su root du -hs / says 3.2GB. Fun. Now to send Installation Report.


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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
reassign 699136 partman
retitle 699136 partman hangs with specific mbr/usbsticks
tags 696755 +confirmed

thank you for submitting installation reports, much appreciated.

I read through all the bugs mentioned here (and I'm sure they were read by 
several people at the time they were submitted) and am closing them now as/if
- they (finally) indicated success and/or
- I know from first hand experience that the functionality is working in 
Wheezy and/or
- they only contained very little information and/or
- they contained user errors and/or
- they were caused by broken hardware and/or
- they have been from a development phase where things were not stable and/or
- they are quite old (and thus likely fixed today) and/or
- moreinfo was asked and not given or
- they are wishlist but rather special + exotic and not have been acted on for 
years. (See why it's often useful to 
close wishlist bugs.)

If I've closed a bug incorrectly please do reply (it's easy to reopen and I'll 
do if requested) or just file a new one - thats often better, as the bug log 
will be clearer and shorter and not contain cruft.


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