

I’m trying to install Debian Linux on a Compaq Prosignia VS. I cannot find any info on the Compaq Site on installing Linux in any flavor in this kind of machine.


I get trough the boot proces pretty easily until a partition needs to be made and the system finds out it cannot find the HDD.

Probably it doesn’t recognize the SCSI-controller.


The only clue I can find inside the system is a chip with NCR printed on it.


I’ve tried to use the boot-argument for an NCR-based SCSI controller : “sym53c8xx=safe:y”

However without any result. I get an error “Could not find kernel image: sym53c8x.x=s”


Can anybody help me? In my opinion it’s a shame to throw away this server while it still is good enough for Linux.


If you need any additional information about the machine, let me know.


Best regards


Marcel Verdonk



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