        I got an error message(No installable kernel was found in the 
defined APT source) during ubuntu installation with a gpg resigned CD,

I regenerate a gpg key to sign the realese file in the CD,follow the 
steps below:

apt-get source ubuntu-keyring
cd ubuntu-keyring-2008.03.04/keyrings
gpg --import < ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg
gpg --list-keys "Signing Key Name"
gpg --export FBB75451 437D05B5 YOURKEYID > ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg
cd ..    # you are now on ubuntu-keyring-2008.03.04
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -m"Your Name <your.em...@your.host>" 
cd ..  # you are now on the directory where you started, in the example, 
cp ubuntu-keyring*deb /opt/cd-image/pool/main/u/ubuntu-keyring

does anyone known how to solve this?
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