Control: reassign -1 wnpp
Control: retitle -1 ITP: libmd -- Message Digest functions from BSD systems
Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: owner -1 !


On Mon, 2011-06-27 at 00:02:51 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Few reasons, one has been because libmd is more generic than something
> like libsbuf and it's prone to be used more widely than anything in
> freebsd-libs, so it might make sense to promote it to standard or
> higher for example. The other reason is that the licenses in the
> FreeBSD tree are a bit unfortunate so my plan is to use the OpenBSD
> implementation instead.
> Just have to commit my latest changes.

Ok, I'm in the process of releasing libmd upstream, and will proceed
with the upload to Debian. Here's the ITP information:

  * Package name: libmd
  * Version     : 0.0.0
  * URL         :
  * License     : BSD-3, BSD-2, ISC, Beerware, PD
  * Description : Message Digest functions from BSD systems


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