Please find below more accurate information about this problem.

Version: the problem occurs with the most recent dnsmasq testing packages,
in other words version 2.27-1

Syslog messages:

Apr 13 21:51:32 Sartre dnsmasq[6827]: started, version 2.27 cachesize 150
Apr 13 21:51:32 Sartre dnsmasq[6827]: compile time options: IPv6
GNU-getopt RTNetlink ISC-leasefile no-DBus I18N
Apr 13 21:51:32 Sartre dnsmasq[6827]: cannot bind netlink socket:
Operation not permitted
Apr 13 21:51:32 Sartre dnsmasq[6827]: FAILED to start up

After reinstalling version 2.22 (no other change):

Apr 13 21:53:40 Sartre dnsmasq[7446]: started, version 2.22 cachesize 150
Apr 13 21:53:40 Sartre dnsmasq[7446]: read /etc/hosts - 11 addresses
Apr 13 21:53:40 Sartre dnsmasq[7446]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Apr 13 21:53:40 Sartre dnsmasq[7446]: using nameserver
Apr 13 21:53:40 Sartre dnsmasq[7446]: using nameserver

I have attached my dnsmasq.conf file.



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Attachment: dnsmasq.conf
Description: 3082495277-dnsmasq.conf

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