Package: Debian installer Sparc r3.1 sarge (Net install boot cd's), kernel 2.4.x

System: Sun Ultra 10, different speeds, mem 256or 512, 9.5 Gb hd, frame buffer,
Solaris 9 installed on hd

Issue: Boot cd hangs during boot process

Work around: format the hd on an other machine / os than Sol 9 or Debian Sparc.
I used a Debian cd & i386 machine for the job.

It seems that the installer hang when writing to the Solaris 9 swap at the beginning of the partition table. It tries to write something and stops reporting to press L1-A to start again....
The bug is reproducable on the systems I have available. Frame buffer, mem size, CD image ed did not matter.
(2.6 kernel with sarge R3.1 CD image hangs with MMU problem but that is a other bug)

BR, Casper

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