Bug#922157: "show hidden icons" menu is shown when left-click any icon in the system-tray

2019-03-25 Thread Dennis Heddicke
Everything works fine now. The bug seems to be fixed.


2018-05-09 Thread Dennis Heddicke
The bug is fixed for me with the last kernel update (3.16.0-6-686-pae). I don't know if it was a real bug or a side effect of a mixture of packages from stable and unstable (among other things libc6). Last week i reverted all packages to stable. Maybe this solved the issue. Thank you for your


2018-03-15 Thread Dennis Heddicke
I took videos from the messages: for 3.16.54 (https://youtu.be/BMkpyw6VD58?t=1m38s) for 4.9.83 (https://youtu.be/mDSRMi31CkY?t=1m22s) for 4.15.5 (https://youtu.be/l5046dBPAP0?t=1m37s) I hope it will help to find the problem. I will test the newer kernel later.

Bug#886858: linux-image-3.16.0-5-686-pae: Kernle fails to boot/Kernle-Panic

2018-02-16 Thread Dennis Heddicke
3.16.54 upstream kernel doesn't work too.


2018-01-13 Thread Dennis Heddicke
I tested the 3.16.53 upstream kernel and got the same problem. Will you do something against this? Shall i report upstream?

Bug#837767: Updater script does not detect new upstream version 23

2016-09-20 Thread Dennis Heddicke
I think the bug report refers to the Version of the NPAPI-flash-player that Adobe released on 12 September. And an Article about this version can be found here: https://blogs.adobe.com/flashplayer/2016/08/beta-news-flash-player-npapi-for-linux.html#sthash.C1thARnR.dpbs The Version