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There is a MASSIVE PROMOTION underway this weekend! This is hot, read
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Central to the technology is a powerful component model.
getElementById(id) to access and manipulate an element in the DOM
representation of a page. If a library provides the Ajax functionality
you need, it's typically simpler to use it in your application than to
code that functionality from scratch. Pros Hides the JavaScript
technology details. 10, 2006 03:00 AM Digg This!
When should you use this approach?
getElementsByTagName("response")[0]; document. You can view these
widgets in the jMaki Widget Gallery. xml deployment descriptor. It
provides a library whose components include objects that simplify the
use of JavaScript technology.
Although most modern browsers handle Ajax code, not all browsers handle
that code in the same way.
Client-side JavaScript technology libraries do not eliminate the need
for JavaScript technology coding. Pros and Cons of Using DWR Here are
some pros and cons of using DWR to build Ajax into a web application.
Integrated into the Project Phobos scripting framework.
Implementing Ajax  Functionality in a Legacy Web Application The first
articles in the series show how to implement  Ajax features in an
existing application that was developed in the NetBeans IDE.
The "Creating an Ajax-Enabled Bookstore Application" article examines
the servlet code as well as the code in other files that are related to
the pop-up balloons, such as a CSS file. Cons Requires some knowledge of
JavaScript technology. Use jMaki when you already use JSP technology or
JavaServer Faces technology in your web applications and need to access
widgets from client-side JavaScript technology libraries.
The JSP page also includes the code that maps the mouseover event to a
JavaScript technology function that handles the event.
getElementsByTagName("response")[0]; document.
In fact, Internet Explorer (IE) does not currently support the
XMLHttpRequest object.
By: Jeremy Geelan Oct. Create and configure an XMLHttpRequest object.
js file contains functions that marshal calls between the client stub
and the server. com to order your reprints!
xml deployment descriptor. A major advantage of using Dynamic Faces is
that it reduces the amount of JavaScript technology code that you need
to write to enable Ajax functionality in a component.
The Dojo widget API also enables you to create your own widgets. Instead
IE uses an ActiveX control for Ajax-related communication with the

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