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turn the other cheek!!! what kind of christians are you people to forget such a 
principal building block of your religion.
now about the use of eisenstein s montage straight from battleship potemkin -- 
finally! that how much they know about cinemagraphy.
as i type i wish i had paid attention to the warning but then again maybe i 
didn treally want to be warned.
just plain awesome! another great illustrator you gotta check out it s an 
amusing site.
i don t know why i m even going to so much trouble for a one hour paper that i 
m going to forget about in the end one whole day.
screw you pigs!!!!!!!!!you will all die for what you did to my country!!!!!you 
can not scare the usa you will pay dearly.
-- tech film and high-tech discussion group acti ng for the camera while 
performing live show?
oh and that little moment between ginny and luciusry ry unexpected and cool and 
very ood!lucius in a way so there are weasleys who can see shades of gray in 
the malfoys after all.
next week is a big one nbsp amazing how my last day of school is monday 
graduation is thursday yet the only thing i m looking forward to is tuesday 
when radiohead s new album comes out.
can i cry? not for weasel boy but severus i don t pity hermione when severus 
has a little chat with her about that one! please update? oooo btw that nasty 
curator is getting his comeuppance right?
hey shan people say that when you get to high school looks dont really matter 
anymore that guys dont go for looks anymore do u think that s true? xoxo.

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