Hello everyone,

Casually replying to a bug from 2008. Here's what I pieced together so far:

First of all security-master and ftp-master are two different servers. One 
handles security uploads and the other one handles other uploads. For a 
package's data to be synced to ftp-master, the package must first be approved.

The way everything is setup is by the way of mirroring, where ftp-master is 
setup as a mirror of security-master in the case of metadata. 

So what happens when approving a package?
We'll take this package as an example: https://packages.debian.org/stretch/vlc

A function named `_do_Approve()` is called from new_security_install.py that 
does the following:

1. Syncs package data with the security mirror, where it eventually calls:
sudo -u archvsync runmirrors ${pusharg} // pusharg='-a security'

This syncs the security mirror and the package data winds up here:

This works as intended and is ok and implies that the next step is 

2. Syncs package metadata with the metadata ftp-master mirror:

A script called `export.sh` is called that:
- creates the changelog data and exports it wherever the `changelog_url` path 
is set in the postgres database

I couldn't find if the security suite has a `changelog_url` set so this might 
be where it all comes down to. We'll keep this variable in mind for the next 

- Rsyncs the exported changelog data into a public directory:
// edited for brevity
rsync ... ${exportdir}/changelogs/. ${exportpublic}/changelogs

If `exportdir` does not match with the `changelog_url` variable above then 
this also might prove to be the problem.

- Finally it notifies the mirror:
sudo -u archvsync runmirrors -a metasdo > ~dak/runmirrors-metadata.log 2>&1 &

If this step doesn't work, it implies that mirroring is misconfigured and might 
be simply a case of missing ssh keys or configuration between ftp-master and 

If everything would run well, then the changelog should be present at:

I don't have access to the servers or the database, so can anyone check the 
above and let us know where the problem lies?


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