
The way RTLinux works is quite hard to explain in a simple readme or INSTALL.

RTLinux has two parts: 1) a patch to the Linux kernel, and 2) a set of modules 
that can be loaded in the patched kernel.

I think that it is not wise to prepare a script to automatically apply the 
patch and recompile the kernel. It is better that the developer had full 
control and knowledge of what is going on. 

May be, the best way to distribute RTLinux is to distribute it jointly with 
the Linux code already patched and with a single Makefile and config system 
so that the user manages the while system as a single code. We are now 
finishing an European Project (OCERA) and we plan to release something like 

May be in the mean time it will be good to remove the package from the debian 


On Wednesday 02 March 2005 14:21, Martin Samuelsson wrote:
> Package: rtlinux
> Version: 3.1pre3-2
> One of the reasons for using Debian is the lack of messyness when having
> everything installed with packages, including kernel images.
> For normal kernels, make-kpkg from kernel-package makes a terrific job
> at creating new kernel-image packages with friends.
> In a perfect world it should be possible to easily create those packages
> for RTLinux patched kernels too. However the README.Debian gives no help
> on how it could be done.
> Although I don't fully understand what is done when a rtlinux patch is
> applied to the kernel I assume it messes to much with the core internals
> to be enough for RTLinux to provide a /usr/src/modules/ directory, but
> the modules should be able to build from such a directory?
> Creating a simple shell script to check that kernel version and patch
> versions correspond would help. And after that patching the kernel to
> produce a tree suitable to run make-kpkg in.
> I'm willing to help. Please tell me how.
> --
> /Martin

Jose Ismael Ripoll Ripoll: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Department of Computer Engineering (DISCA)
Tel: +34 96 3877 007 Ext: (75723) Fax: +34 96 3877 579
http://bernia.disca.upv.es/~iripoll http://www.ocera.org
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