This bug affects two of my computers, a desktop workstation connected via
Ethernet and a laptop connected via Wi-Fi.  When I updated the computers, I
didn't pay close enough attention to what Apt was doing until it had
already removed Network Manager.  I was able to reinstall Network Manager
on the workstation as follows:

sudo sh -c 'echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf'
sudo apt install wpasupplicant=2:2.9.0-21
sudo apt install network-manager-gnome
sudo apt-mark hold wpasupplicant=2:2.9.0-21

2:2.9.0-21 is the current non-backports version of wpasupplicant for
Bullseye.  Since Wi-Fi wasn't working on the laptop, I plugged a USB flash
drive into the workstation, changed to the directory where the USB flash
drive was mounted, and downloaded the required packages using this command:

apt download \
network-manager \
network-manager-gnome \
wpasupplicant \
libbluetooth3 \
libndp0 \

I then moved the USB flash drive to the laptop, changed to the directory
where the USB flash drive was mounted, and ran these commands:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb
sudo apt-mark hold wpasupplicant=2:2.9.0-21

At that point Network Manager was working again on both computers.  Once
this issue is resolved, the hold on wpasupplicant can be removed by running:

sudo apt-mark unhold wpasupplicant

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