Hi All, 

Just to say that with lots of help from Florian Ragwitz (thanks!), have made 
been working on exposing a C API for the 4store backend stuff. I have them all 
in a fork on github, but we (Steve and I) will hopefully get them pushed 
upstream to the main git repo soon. I wonder whether these could get into 
debian too. Would be nice to have an exposed C library, as there are some perl 
XS stuff being put together as we speak. 

Note that the version mentioned in this thread is before Steve implemented the 
auto* stuff.

Let me know if I can help, and whether it would be possible to get a newer 
version into debian?

Mischa Tuffield
Email: mis...@mmt.me.uk
Homepage: http://mmt.me.uk/
WebID: http://mmt.me.uk/foaf.rdf#mischa

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