Hi Josua,

in ITP#934303, Josua Mayer wrote:
> At this point the package will be useful for evaluation and testing of 
> Stratis outside
> of RedHat systems. My personal motivation is that I am running Debian on a 
> NAS,
> and want to explore Stratis on it.
> It is my believe that ultimately Stratis will be a much more user-friendly 
> alternative to
> LVM - and interesting from a technology standpoint.

Have you made any progress on an initial packaging? Or have you given up
on stratis?

In case you were not aware, stratis 2.0.1 has just been released last month.

My motivation to look at stratis more or less matches yours. However,
the documentation on the website says that stratisd does not yet support
RAID, so assuming this documentation is not out of date, it might be
premature for me to sink a lot of time into this.

> What I am looking for in the community is co-maintainers /-developers and a 
> packaging team
> to join for access to build infrastructure, as well as some assistance with 
> the packaging
> if I come across roadblocks.

My first instinct would be to contact #debian-rust on OFTC. Also,
https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/RustPackaging has some pointers. However
stratis doesn't seem to have readily published crates yet, so I'm not
sure how much this applies.

I myself don't know very much about rust packaging yet, but if any
questions arise, feel free to CC this ITP or me privately, I'll answer
what i can.

Thank you for improving Debian!
Cheers Philipp

Philipp Kaluza
Ghostroute IT Consulting

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