Hello guys,
we have exactly the same problem. It looks like dropbear isn't killed after the password is submitted. As long as port 22 is used by dropbear, sshd won't start.

My current workaround is to run dropbear on another port so that sshd will find a free port 22 and will start up. But I really didn't find a way to kill dropbear in the initramfs-script:

//prereqs() {//
//        echo "$PREREQ"//
//case "$1" in//
//        prereqs)//
//                prereqs//
//                exit 0//
//        ;;//
//. /scripts/functions//
//# [ -r /var/run/dropbear.pid ] || exit 0//
//log_begin_msg "Stopping dropbear"//
//kill `cat /var/run/dropbear.pid`//
//killall dropbear//

Any idea how to fix that issue?

Kind regards,

Simon Schabel
Webergasse 1, Haus 2B · 01067 Dresden
simon.scha...@semknox.com · +49-351-32 123 102 · www.semknox.com

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