Nutrition Update: New product just released

 Product Name: >Hoodia<

 What it does:

 - Suppress your appetite and feel full and satisfied all day long
 - Boost your energy levels
 - Lose excess (w)-(e)-(i)-(g)-(h)-(t)
 - Boost your metabolism
 - Burn body (f)-(a)-(t)
 - Burn calories
 - Attack obesity

 This product was just featured on 60 Minutes, and the BBC New report on Sept 
12th, 2005

 Further Information:

 His goal, Allen said, was a "seamless handoff."SYDNEY - A major earthquake 
measuring 7.3 in magnitude shook parts of Papua New Guinea on Friday, but there 
were no immediate reports of damage and a tsunami was unlikely, officials 
said.The massive rescue effort that resulted was a fugue of improvisation, by 
fleets of small boats that set sail off highway underpasses and angry airport 
directors and daredevil helicopter pilots. Tens of thousands were saved as the 
city swamped; they were plucked from rooftops and bused, eventually, out of the 
disaster zone."These are tough decisions. They go to the heart and core of our 
democracy and people being able to make their own decisions," he said. "But 
there is a greater good for the community, I've said in many meetings at the 
state and the city level, and they will work their way through that. In July 
2004, Maestri had participated in an exercise called Hurricane Pam, a 
simulation of a Category 3 storm drowning New Orleans. Emergency planners had 
concluded that a real Pam would create a flood of unimaginable proportions, 
killing tens of thousands of people, wiping out hundreds of thousands of homes, 
shutting down southeast Louisiana for months.Quite clearly, the No. 1 challenge 
right now is more pumping capacity," Vice Adm. Thad Allen told reporters 
Saturday, his first full day on the job.One by one, the names of the dead 
echoed across the site where the twin towers collapsed four years ago in a 
nightmarish cloud of dust and debris.His goal, Allen said, was a "seamless 
handoff."Allen replaced Brown after a storm of criticism over the federal 
response to the storm. (Full story)"If that comes back with normal levels or 
just a little bit elevated levels as far as health risks, we will definitely 
accelerate and make sure that not only the French Quarter, but Algiers and some 
of uptown and our airport comes back on line so we can get the city going 
quickly"Quite clearly, the No. 1 challenge right now is more pumping capacity," 
Vice Adm. Thad Allen told reporters Saturday, his first full day on the job.“No 
destructive Pacific-wide tsunami threat exists based on historical earthquake 
and tsunami data,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said on its Web site, Maestri had dreaded this call for a 
decade, ever since he took over emergency management for Jefferson Parish, a 
marshy collection of suburbs around New Orleans. It was Friday night, Aug. 26, 
and his friend Max Mayfield was on the line. Mayfield is the head of the 
National Hurricane Center, and he wasn't calling to chat. Allen replaced Brown 
after a storm of criticism over the federal response to the storm. (Full 
story)According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 32 of the 148 pumps in and 
around New Orleans were operating as of noon Saturday.Story continues below 
?Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened with words of condolence for those devastated 
by Katrina and the terrorist bombings in the London Underground.“If it was a 
Category Four barreling down here, I would get out if I had a chance,” Lee 
said. “The structures just can’t take that kind of wind. We’re cautiously 
watching (Ophelia). We’re not giving up until it’s north of us.”Papua New 
Guinea lies to the east of Indonesia, which bore the brunt of the 9.15 
magnitude quake and tsunami on Dec. 26.Honore's comments echoed what Coast 
Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen, head of the federal relief task force, said on 
ABC's "This Week"CHARLESTON, S.C. - Hurricane Ophelia sat nearly stationary off 
the coast of the Carolinas on Sunday, taunting coastal residents made wary by 
the destruction that Katrina caused along the Gulf Coast.Allen said the pumps 
are steadily coming back on line.

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