Bug#894748: plasma-workspace: Plasmashell crashes when notification shown

2018-04-03 Thread Tom Wa
Package: plasma-workspace Version: 4:5.12.4-1 Severity: important Tags: upstream Dear Maintainer, Plasmashell freezes when showing a notification. I can use everything else like the menu, tooltips and tray apps but if any app, like plasma-nm, pops up a notification the notification starts to dr

Bug#802574: plasma-desktop: taskbar panel is 1px wide and unusable

2015-10-21 Thread Tom Wa
Package: plasma-desktop Version: 4:5.4.2-1 Severity: important Dear Maintainer, After installing the latest KDE/plasma I had a normal looking desktop but after a restart the taskbar panel either doesn't load or appears to be 1px wide and unusable. I can hit alt-f2 to start an application but th