Bug#597647: qtcreator: Missing dependencies

2010-09-21 Thread tcl_de
Package: qtcreator Version: 1.3.1-2 Severity: important Dear maintainers, the qtcreator package also depends on the following packages which are not in included in the package dependencies: libqt4-script, libqt4-svg, libqt4-webkit, libqt4-designer If those packages are not installed qtcreator

Bug#593935: k3b: joliet extiensions shorten filenames also on rockridge and udf

2010-08-22 Thread tcl_de
Package: k3b Version: 2.0.0-1 Severity: normal First create a new DVD data project and add a file with a long filename (longer than 103 characters) Under project filesystem properties enable Joliet, UDF and RockRidge. Burn the image to DVD: k3b will ask you what to do with the problematic long f

Bug#569244: Burning results with cdrskin

2010-08-19 Thread tcl_de
Package: brasero Version: 2.30.2-1 Severity: normal Hi, I am experiencing the same problem as Pedro with brasero. If I burn a DVD or DVD RW with brasero, it always goes for maximum speed (and possibly write errors) I tried "cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 speed=2.4 blank=as_needed $MYISOIMAGE" and it say

Bug#573412: gnome-utils: gfloppy missing from debian

2010-03-11 Thread tcl_de
Subject: gnome-utils: gfloppy missing from debian Package: gnome-utils Version: 2.28.1-1 Severity: normal gfloppy has been moved from gnome-utils to its own repository (git.gnome.org/gfloppy) in the GNOME 2.28 development cycle upstream. It is also missing in the debian GNOME 2.28 series. IMHO gf