Bug#1003824: Difference in current filename packaging conventions leads to downloads being ignored by apt

2022-06-11 Thread Luke Ross
I also experience this problem; after running debdelta-upgrade I use this snippet (all on one line; not elegant) to fix up the files so that apt can find them: for i in /var/cache/apt/archives/*%*; do sudo mv -n "$i" `perl -e '$ARGV[0] =~ s/%(2b|7e)/chr(hex($1))/ge; print $ARGV[0]' "$i"`; done

Bug#1003824: Difference in current filename packaging conventions leads to downloads being ignored by apt

2022-01-16 Thread Yuri D'Elia
Package: debdelta Version: 0.67 Severity: normal When a package includes a "+" in the version, apt currently saves the file using "+", whereas debdelta saves the file using a % escape: "%2b". Because of this, debdelta can still download/create the deb archive, but apt will fail to recognize its