Bug#1016119: firefox: Coredump on startup but starts anyway

2022-08-19 Thread Nicolas Patrois
Package: firefox Followup-For: Bug #1016119 Dear Maintainer, Since the last upgrade, I don’t see the truckload of coredump data in the logs anymore. -- Package-specific info: -- Extensions information Name: Add-ons Search Detection Location: /usr/lib/firefox/browser/omni.ja Package: firefox St

Bug#1016119: firefox: Coredump on startup but starts anyway

2022-07-27 Thread Nicolas Patrois
Package: firefox Version: 103.0-1 Severity: minor Tags: upstream Dear Maintainer, When I start Firefox, I see these lines in the logs: juil. 27 16:18:02 nicolas.home kernel: firefox[30259]: segfault at 80 ip b69d4744 sp bfa4813c error 4 in libX11.so.6.4.0[b69be000+8f000] juil. 27 16:18:02 nicola