Package: bluez-alsa-utils
Version: 3.0.0-2

I'm very happy to finally see BlueALSA provided by the Debian package repository, many thanks to the maintainers!

It is probably too late for my suggestion, and maybe there is a specific reason why the service is called differently compared to upstream source?

However, to avoid inconsistency, I suggest to rename the service "bluez-alsa.service" to "bluealsa.service", along with "/etc/default/bluez-alsa" to "/etc/default/bluealsa", to match the binary/executable name, the suggested user and group names, the ALSA plugin and the service in upstream sources. As well "BlueALSA" is the name of the product, according to its author(s).

Other distros have created packages from it called "bluealsa", which could be taken even as argument to rename the package itself as well, but for this is even more likely to late ;).

Best regards,


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