Package: adduser
Version: 3.129
Severity: minor


this might be a corollary bug for #678615, where we settled on new
non-system users getting users as a group unless adduser is differently
configured. That was when USERGROUPS was still "no" in the default.

Now, we have USERGROUPS=yes, and an adduser coming in default
configuration will give a new non-system user its usergroup AND users as
supplementary group even if ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS is 0.

To make things more interesting: set EXTRA_GROUPS="plugdev" and a newly
created non-system user will still get "users" as supplementary group.
Se ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=1 in addition and see "users" and "plugdev" as
supplementary group.

It looks like "users" is somehow specialcased even in the case of
USERGROUPS=yes which is probably not what we want.

But, what DO we want?


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