Package: bleachbit
Version: 4.4.2-1
Severity: normal
Usertags: policykit-1
Control: block 1025540 by -1

This package has a Depends on the transitional package policykit-1, which
has been separated into polkitd, pkexec and (deprecated) polkitd-pkla
packages. I notice that it also has a direct Depends on pkexec, which seems
like it may have been a previous attempt to resolve this bug report?

If this package communicates with polkitd via D-Bus, please represent that
as a Depends, Recommends or Suggests on polkitd, whichever is appropriate
for the strength of the requirement.

If this package runs /usr/bin/pkexec, please represent that as a Depends,
Recommends or Suggests on pkexec, whichever is appropriate for the strength
of the requirement.

If this package requires polkit at build-time (usually for the gettext
extensions polkit.its and polkit.loc), please build-depend on both
libpolkit-gobject-1-dev and polkitd, even if the package does not
actually depend on libpolkit-gobject-1 at runtime. This is because
the gettext extensions are currently in polkitd, but might be moved to
libpolkit-gobject-1-dev in future (see #955204). pkexec is usually not
required at build-time.

For packages that are expected to be backported to bullseye, it's OK to
use an alternative dependency: polkitd | policykit-1 and/or
pkexec | policykit-1.

This is part of a mass bug filing, see


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