Package: upgrade-reports
Severity: normal

The described issue can be reproduced on a fresh bullseye install made
through the latest
official bullseye installer. The issue only concerns the KDE Plasma desktop
environment version of Debian.

My previous release is: bullseye
I am upgrading to: bookworm
Upgrade date: 17.6.2023
Method: Minimal upgrade steps according to

Contents of /etc/apt/sources.list:
         untouched, except changing "bullseye" to "bookworm" in order to

- Were there any non-Debian packages installed before the upgrade? If
   so, what were they?

- Was the system pre-update a 'pure' system only containing packages
   from the previous release? If not, which packages were not from that
         Yes, fresh install directly from official installer.

- Did any packages fail to upgrade?

- Were there any problems with the system after upgrading?
         Yes, see below

Further Comments/Problems:

A fresh Debian 12 Bookworm installation (directly from the official
with the KDE Plasma desktop environment uses the pulseaudio server as a
default audio
middleware, but when upgrading from a fresh "off-the-shelf" Debian
11 Bullseye to 12 Bookworm (with the steps as advised by
upgrading.en.html) pipewire-pulse and wireplumber get installed
automatically (apparently per
suggestion by package plasma-pa) and replace
pulseaudio from there on. Pulseaudio remains installed,
only being suppressed by pipewire-pulse.

I noticed this first on my own private Debian installation, where I recently
upgraded. I was also able to reproduce this on a fresh Debian 11 Bullseye
install where I then upgraded to Bookworm. (according to upgrade guidelines)

This behavior does not break system sound or usability as far as I can
assess, but since it
does deviate from the default KDE Plasma setup that you get from installing
Debian Bookworm directly from installer rather than upgrading to it, as
well as changing the
sound server from pulseaudio to pipewire without informing or asking the
I assume this is still unwanted behavior and hence a bug.

Best regards.

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